Our Team

Agile Data Engine grew out of Solita, a leading Nordic software consulting firm, to meet its data consultants' needs for more scalable, efficient, and resilient enterprise data warehouse implementations. 

Walking the Talk

Together, our leadership team brings over a century of experience in cloud data warehouse transformation projects. They, along with the rest of our ambitious team of field area experts, come together in a value-driven, respectful, and constructive workplace.
We aim to be helpful and trustworthy, and are committed to creating a professional yet casual culture. We are curious, without falling prey to losing our values over the latest hype, and are united as stewards of an approachable, inclusive environment. Our mission is to help you get the most value out of your cloud data warehouse so you can continue to grow effectively, efficiently, and sustainably - without having your DataOps function become an unproductive resource sink. 

Leadership & External-Facing Team

Matti Karell

Chief Executive Officer

Pasi Jalonen

Chief Operating Officer

Harri Kallio

Chief Product Officer

Tuomas Alivuotila

Head of Customer Success

Em Seikkanen

Marketing & Communications Lead

Reinhard Seifert

Solutions Architect - Presales

Tevje Olin

Solutions Architect - Presales

Grzegorz Goli

Solutions Architect - Presales

Charlotta Uusimäki

Customer Success Manager

Paula Ahonen

Customer Competence Specialist

Elina Kaihua

Customer Success Specialist

Ville Keskinen

Training Coordinator

Taha Gad

Solutions Architect

Henri Hemminki

Solutions Architect

Terhi Lämsä

Senior Solution Engineer

email: firstname.lastname@agiledataengine.com