Agile Data Engine - Blog
The team at Agile Data Engine likes to write about things we are passionate about: DataOps, data quality, solving business cases and keeping up with the evolving technology landscape.
Most things in DevOps & DataOps are just natural evolution from agile development. There are many ways to be agile, but they all share common principles.
When it comes to building a successful DataOps team, the crucial factor to consider is the tools and technology used. But should you build or buy them?
How do Lean Development and Total Quality Management work together within DataOps? And how do they apply to data development? Read on to find out!
Have you ever wondered who's accountable if your data warehouse starts draining your budget? Can you monitor usage and identify the sources of costs?
Short-term and long-term data quality monitoring will allow you to trust the data flowing through your data platform and to take action to improve it.
Data modeling for data protection explained: Secure your data with advanced models designed for compliance with the latest regulations.
Business real-time data processing tackles the need for speed that data warehouses face when data from several sources guide business-critical decisions.
A blog post about dataops, analytics and data teams in 2022.
At the Snowflake Summit, the demo that combined Snowpark for Python, Streamlit, and Native Applications showed a smooth developer experience for app devs.
Tips on how to process the source data to speed up the loading process and model the data to reduce the number of loads and joins without losing any data.